Jordan Forecast

Visit of the Minister of Transport to the Meteorological Department

The Minister of Transport, Eng. Jamil Mujahid, visited the Meteorological Department. He briefed the department on the importance of meteorology to the national economy. During the visit, the Minister of Transport chaired a meeting which included Acting Director General of the Meteorological Department Eng. Hussein Al-Momani and Directors of the Directorates in the Department. He also briefed the Department on the work of the Department and the observations related to the advancement of its work and the challenges that stand in the way of its development. The ministry called for strengthening international cooperation, improving the quality of forecasts and warnings, developing means of communication, tracking and monitoring, updating the strategic plan of the department and setting specific goals for the department's work, programs and projects that contribute to raising the accuracy of information and speed of access to beneficiaries. Communication and through all means available with citizens and the media in order to deliver accurate information The Director General of the Department of Meteorology, Eng. Hussein Al-Momani, expressed the role of the Department in providing services to official and civil institutions and citizens in the field of meteorological monitoring through the Department's team of experts and specialists.

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